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Welcome! As the parent or guardian of a band student you are automatically a member of the South Lyon Band Parent Association (SLBPA). SLBPA is a registered 501c non-profit organization dedicated to the support of our SLHS Band program, staff and students.

Michelle Chubb
Amanda Squires
Melanie Laurie
Damon Scott

Boosters Mission


The Boosters support the concert, marching and jazz programs through donation opportunities, fundraising activities and volunteering as needed at events. There are many different ways to get involved and help out. 


Check out the Volunteer page to read about the various opportunities. Sign up sheets are posted prior to special events so look frequently for new opportunities. Most active and thriving band programs have the support of a dedicated group of band parents working behind the scenes and the South Lyon HS Band is no exception!  


SLBPA is looking for new members for the 2024-2025 school year. We invite you to attend one of our monthly meetings to see what the Band Boosters are all about!

5 Reasons You Should Join the Band Boosters


1. Band Booster Parents get a close, intimate view of the challenges and rewards of music education.


While we try not to think about it, our kids are growing up quickly! This is a chance to be involved in their interests, taking an active role in their success before it is too late.

2. Band Booster Parents get to meet other passionate, excited parents who are involved in their students' lives.


This is a great chance to meet other band parents in our community and work together to create great experiences for our kids!

3. The SLHS Band's continued success depends on the input, time, effort, and encouragement of its Band Booster volunteers.


Running an active, successful band program is a large job that cannot be done by one person alone. The SLHS Band program has 40+ performances each school year, and it takes many volunteers to offer this fantastic experience to our students.

4. Students of Band Booster parents see a demonstrated importance of involvement and volunteerism


Character development in our kids is a lifelong task and this is a great way to show your kids the importance of being involved in your local community.

5. Students of Band Booster parents see firsthand your support of their interests and endeavors


Students not only appreciate it, but LOVE it when their parents show an interest in their activities.

SLBPA Annual Scholarship


Each year the SLBPA gives out 2 $500 scholarships to seniors. The students must be a member of a band, have maintained an A or A- band grade average during their band career, and complete a 500 or more word essay on a specific band related topic decided that year.


We have members of the South Lyon community judge the essays and we award the top 2 scores. The scholarships can be used for schooling beyond High School. The awards are given out at the band banquet. Due to the COVID pandemic the scholar program is under review.

Volunteer Opportunities

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